Author: Jason Wells

  • Rabbi Davidson’s 2021 Remarks

    By popular request, we have posted Rabbi Davidson’s remarks during the January 18, 2021 MLK Celebration: My name is Beth D. Davidson, and I am the rabbi of Temple Adath Yeshurun, here in Manchester, NH. TAY was an early member of the MLK Coalition, and we have been a proud participant in this celebration of…

  • MLK Celebration 2021

    Monday, January 18, 2021, 2:30pmWhile the celebration is over, you can watch and share the video from the event on Youtube: By popular request, we have posted Rabbi Davidson’s remarks during the January 18, 2021 MLK Celebration. Read or listen to King’s “Where Do We Go From Here?” Speech In 1967, King gave his “Where…

  • Jan. 19: NEA Roundtable Discussion Virtual Engagement

    Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 1:00pm-2:00pm Please click the link to join the webinar: Annually the NEA hosts an engagement in honor of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday in celebration of the life and legacy of Dr. King, who was a trailblazer as he fervently advocated for civil rights, social justice, and equity…

  • Tribute to Sandy Hicks and Marie Metoyer

    Among the many sorrows of 2020, it took from us two stalwarts of the social justice struggle: Sandy Hicks, recipient of the First Martin Luther King Jr. Award in 1987 and Dr. Marie Metoyer, in 2008.  Sandy set the standard of service, advocacy, and tenacity that characterized all those who received the MLK Award after…