Category: Awards
2nd Place: 2022 Lionel Washington Johnson Youth Award
“I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.” -Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Student’s Name: Drew Verweij Teacher’s Name: Mrs. Tatarian, 6th grade School: Barrington Middle School Barrington, NH When You Open a Door When you open a door there is a unity Giving another an equal or…
1st Place: 2022 Lionel Washington Johnson Youth Award
“I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.” -Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Student Name: Ariana Metzger, Grade 6 Teacher Name: Nels Tooker School: Newington Public School Newington, NH Sometimes, you wonder why people love, Sometimes, you need answers to your queries. Sometimes, you pray to the heavens…
2022 Lionel Washington Johnson Youth Awards
2022 Lionel Washington Johnson Youth Awards Flyer MLK Students Contest