Jan. 19: NEA Roundtable Discussion Virtual Engagement

Tuesday, January 19, 2021, 1:00pm-2:00pm

Please click the link to join the webinar: https://nea-org.zoom.us/j/92701778055?pwd=UzhMRW10dFN0L2RDVmxNdGZtOUNLdz09

Annually the NEA hosts an engagement in honor of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday in celebration of the life and legacy of Dr. King, who was a trailblazer as he fervently advocated for civil rights, social justice, and equity for all.

This year, in partnership with NCSEA and NCUEA, we are proud to host a virtual roundtable discussion in honor of the life and legacy of Dr. King, Tuesday, January 19th (1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EST) entitled: The MOVEMENT MOMENT! Honoring the Life and Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: Elevating NEA’s Vision for Public Schools through a Racial Justice Lens.

You are cordially invited to participate in this virtual roundtable discussion with NEA leaders at the state and local level who are leading on racial justice work to continue the legacy of Dr. King.

We are excited to announce that this roundtable discussion will be moderated by Bakari Sellers (Attorney, Political Commentator, and former South Carolina State Representative). We are also excited to announce the esteemed panelists for this roundtable discussion. You will not want to miss an opportunity to hear from these inspiring individuals:

  • Becky Pringle, President, NEA
  • Keith Brown, President, Oakland Education Association
  • Cheryl Bost, President, Maryland State Education Association
  • Al Llorens, Vice President, Illinois Education Association
  • Petal Robertson, President, Montclair Education Association (NJEA)
  • Greta Callahan, President, MFT Local 59, Teacher Chapter (ED MN)
  • Cameo Kendrick, Chair, NEA Aspiring Educators

Should you have any questions please email Merwyn Scott, NEA Community Advocacy & Partnership Engagement (CAPE) Director at mscott@nea.org.



